
As an individual, "YOU MUST" be responsible for your own safety and security. We can give you the tools, what you do with them is up to you.


This site is about situational awareness. The aim of the site is to help “make you think” about your everyday behaviour, about your surroundings and what is going off around you. As humans, we tend to follow patterns and routines, and although there is nothing wrong with this, for most people this routine makes them become complacent, and encourages them to operate in a robot-like mode, making them become unaware of what is happening, and in some cases, this can make them a target for unscrupulous individuals or criminals, below are a couple of examples.


Image of server rack

Situational Awareness, “IS NOT”, just about physical dangers, or the outcome of a physical confrontation. It is, a state of mind, it is about your behaviour, and being aware both of what is happening around you, but also what you are doing, that could have longer term consequences.

In today’s technological world, the lack of forethought when creating a new post on social media, that may include a video or image could, later lead to misuse or a potential security breach.

A generic comment or feedback left regarding a post that you have read or found interesting could be misinterpreted, or misconstrued.

When forwarding a post that you meant to have shared privately or only with limited friends that you accidently shared publicly, could cause the post to be re-shared with further repercussions, that could have an impact on you.



As more of us are on the road, it is inevitable that we will encounter situations where, we will see or  feel frustrated and in some cases tempers may explode, causing a simple commute to potentially become volatile or even violent.

An example that I have witnessed, and probably you have too, is one driver flipping off another driver in temper, someone opening their window and shouting, getting out of their car and approaching someone else, driving recklessly or dangerously trying to get in front of another vehicle out of frustration, temper or even anger.

A simple shake of the head out of surprise at their behaviour, a moments commentary or muttering in your car, a simple none-aggressive hand gesture could cause you to be put in arms way. You may do nothing more than give them a glance or look as they pass by, you may honk your horn or even flash at them as their behaviour is reckless, but this moments lack of judgement could cause a violent outburst.

You have to be mindful, you have “no idea” who that driver is, what is their state of mind? What sort of temperament do they have? How violent they can become? they may be under a chemical induced state. So the best cause off action is to let it go, and make sure that you are safe.

As drivers it is best for our own sake, and peace of mind as well as for legal redress that we should have a dashcam, this can then be provided to the police, and let them deal with that individual, your life is not worth losing for someone charging in front of you causing you to break sharply. When driving be mindful of what is going off, yes there are times when an unexpected situation happens, but try to be as aware as mush as you can what other road users are doing.